(See the best response by Ter13.)
Problem description:
This might sound really weird but is it possible to click a label or remove the button effects that occur when you mouse over and click them?

So basically when I mouse over a button I don't want the highlight + shadow to appear on the button and when I click the button I don't want the button to depress.

I have tried putting the button to flat but it still happens.

If this is not possible, is it possible to click a label, because this would give me the desired effect.

If this is not possible, is it possible to click a label, because this would give me the desired effect.


is it possible to click a label or remove the button effects that occur when you mouse over and click them?


Browsers and map elements are the only UI elements that offer you that level of customization of both layout and control.
Hmm I see.

Well, focusing on the browser element, is it possible to remove that clicking sound when you click a link?

I don't know how to explain it, but there is an odd clicking sound that happens every time you press a link.
Best response
Don't use links. Use the javascript onClick event.
Ah thanks, I will have a try at that. :)