(See the best response by Super Saiyan X.)
Is it possible to always force the Use graphics hardware for displaying maps mode on?



To keep players from toggling it to gain an unfair advantage, you can use the client control freak variable.
Thank you!
            winset(usr, null, "hwmode=false;")
var/O = winget(usr, null, "hwmode")
src << O

Keeps coming out as true no matter what, is their a certain place its supposed to be used?
Best response
Pretty certain the parameter is called "graphics-hwmode", and I'm pretty certain you don't set it using winset, unless I missed a new feature.

seems like wingetting hwmode only tells you if hwmode is enabled, but there's no documentation saying you can set it that way.
I usually do this:
winset(src, null, "command=\".configure graphics-hwmode off\"")
winset(src, null, "command=\".configure graphics-hwmode on\"")
Thanks man, I had to dig up some post and found a response from you earlier that solved my problem using the above method. That needs to be updated in the byond 4.0 help file.
Good catch there, SSX.
I didn't know you could do this lol this helps a lot with an issue I had