Hello! I have a bit of a problem with a game I've been playing recently. When I first started playing it I found that the interface was a bit messed up, so I downgraded to BYOND 5.06 to see if it'd have any effect, and it in fact fixed the interface completely. However some days later I tried to login to the game to find that 5.06 is now too outdated to be used, and that 5.09 is now the bare minimum.

I updated to 5.09 and saw that the interface was wrecked again, then to 5.11 to see if it'd change anything (Only to find that the interface was still ruined).

My question to you is how it is that I can have the interface represented in 5.06 carry on into the later versions (I essentially just want the game to work properly). It seems to be a text based issue but the window itself is also set to a much smaller resolution.

Here's an example of the game running on 5.06:

And an example of it running on 5.11:

UPDATE: Setting my text zoom to 100% fixes the interface proportions, albeit it also makes my windows incredibly small. This means that if I want to play right now the best settings are to have 100% text zoom and to then lower my resolution.

I suppose I have somewhat of a solution already, but if any of you have any clue how I can increase the default size of the game window I would very much appreciate it. (I have a large screen resolution so having the text at 175% is what's normal)