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I mentioned this years ago on another post. I think it's still valid:

Super Saiyan X wrote:
I'd like to bump this, expanding the idea that I proposed a year or so ago (which was an explanation of Falacy's idea anyways) - because it's definitely does not seem difficult to add.

Anything in your installation path's cfg folder named 'stub.*' should automatically be included in the environment when the first file of that type is created by the IDE.

People have constantly been reporting issues of "not being able to move" in their game, because the interface file created comes completely blank - with no direction/movement macros or anything. This really confuses some people, especially when they don't know you have to make your own macros. By default, stub.dmf would take after the default BYOND.dmf?

This could also be useful for people who want to have, global inclusion of libraries if a stub.dme, were possible?

Lummy pls