(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
    .Click(mob/M as mob in view())
usr << "It is not your turn yet!"
if(usr.colour == 1)
new /obj/Stones/Black(src)
if(usr.colour == 2)
new /obj/Stones/White(src)
usr.turn = 0
M.turn = 1

Problem description:
Likely just some small, obvious, yet still overlooked thing I'm missing. All the same, I can't figure it out. It works for the most part, except the bit I'm trying to accomplish with the last line. I'm trying to change turns, but it only ends your turn, without beginning your opponent's. What am I doing wrong here?
That would only happen if you clicked the other player, in fact, the argument there isn't going to do you much good (really depending on where you have that Click() defined).

In Click(), usr is the person doing the clicking, and src is what's being clicked. You can override Click() under specific datums to define specific behavior.

In your case, I imagine you want the turn to change when a piece is placed (via clicking on a tile), so you'd want to store the opponent in a variable somewhere and utilize that variable when trying to reference the opponent in cases where you haven't directly interacted with them.
Best response
Setting an argument type isn't going to do much good; it won't limit anything. If this Click() is defined under mob, then src will always be a mob. If this is client/Click(), then src should be the same as usr.client, and the item clicked (which may be any atom at all) is one of the arguments.