(See the best response by Ter13.)
Problem description:
Just wondering if there's a built-in function called when one atom's icon overlaps another.
Bounding area.

Crossed() and Entered() for objects on the map.
In response to Ter13
Is Crossed() only called when a movable atom overlaps the tile the caller is located on or is it called when even its icon is overlapped?(in the case of icons bigger than 32x32 and in games with tile movement)
Best response
Crossed() is only called when a movable atom is overlapped by another movable atom. It is only called when the bounds actually cross, not continuously at it is moved through.

Entered() is called on /turfs when a movable atom overlaps the turf. Again, this is not continuous, but on the initial crossing of the boundary.

The size of the icons does not matter to these calculations. What matters is the bounding box. Look up bound_width and bound_height.
Ah, now I understand, thanks for the help.