(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Olá, tem um problema que está acontecendo comigo.O meu byond não abre,eu clico duas vezes no launcher, e fica só a tela com a mensagem: Loading game information.Já passei 10 minutos com isso aberto, e ainda não abriu o Byond
google translate says:
Hello, have a problem that is happening comigo.O my byond does not open, I double click on the launcher, and only is the screen with the message: Loading game information.Já spent 10 minutes with this open and have not opened the Byond
Clem, I believe the problem you are having is that your BYOND user directory is in a path that has accented or Unicode characters. That folder should be in My Documents\BYOND, but the full path will include your user name and that's probably the issue.

Here's what you need to do.

1) Go to Task Manager and close byond.exe.

2) Move your BYOND folder from My Documents\BYOND to somewhere with a simple path name, like C:\BYOND.

3) Open regedit.exe. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dantom\BYOND and find the userpath value. Edit that value from what it is now to the new path you picked (such as C:\BYOND).

The pager should open fine after that.
The problem continues
Best response
What does the userpath value in the registry say right now?
I did everything you said.And it's the same way the beginning
User patch C:\Byond
Now appeared:Loading live games from BYOND hub...
And byond is not opening