fps = 20
icon_size = 32
view = 8
fps = 60
step_size = 8
step_size = 8

Problem description:
Why is it that there are rather noticeable, sharp delays with this? Removing client.fps makes movement rather stuttery (though with no real delays).

How does Dragon Universe run at 20/60 (20 server-side, 60 client-side) yet this does not work?

I can't tell you how to optimize client/world synced FPS. Although I do believe that 30 fps may runs smoother then 20 fps on BYOND.

Edit: There also may be a lot of other variables coming into play that are effecting your game's performance. Also, are you suggesting your project is running more smooth with or without a clientside fps?
In response to Flame Guardian
It runs smoother with client-side framerate, but it rubberbands and has delays. Without client-side framerate, it has no real delays; but stutters instead as you move.

In response to E52680
I haven't seen rubberbanding happen lately for client.fps=60 and world.fps=20. It's pretty smooth for me; I'm using version 511.1363.

With world.fps=20 and client.fps=20, it's going to stutter because 20 FPS isn't sufficient for the perception of motion. Still, it should be a consistent 20 FPS without jumps or rubberbanding.
In response to Kaiochao
I have no clue then! You saw the video in the other post, but here it is again:

As you can probably see, lots of rubberbanding - BYOND v511.1363. Add on top of that, some major delays.
In response to E52680
I recorded this just now, with client.fps=60 and world.fps=20:
In response to Kaiochao
... I think it has something to do with using Run from DreamMaker/directly from DreamSeeker versus using DreamDaemon. Using DreamDaemon, I have no real delays, just rubberbanding.
In response to Kaiochao
Assuming that is just a test project or something open-source, could I possibly see the source to it? In order to see if you've done something differently.
In response to E52680
In response to Kaiochao
There seems to be some missing stuff - such as "shapes.dme".
In response to E52680
In response to Kaiochao
This is really odd then. I'm guessing your's has no real rubberbanding or delays because of the way you're handling movement, which is different than BYOND's default method.

My source code is here, if you're interested in compiling and seeing if you can find the issue.