Okay so I just started to re-learn coding again. I only know how to currently do a basic Login system,Say command,coding turfs,Some verbs,Little knowledge of procs and some hub stuff. What should I try to create so I can self teach myself a good amount of code. Any suggestions will be appreciated(Good Habits, Examples of basic stuff, What not to do, Warnings,etc.)thank you.

P.S. I read 3 Chapters of the DM Guide and I don't have enough time to finish it because school work is annoying.


I don't mean like, read a guide or a tutorial. I mean try to make something. And when you get stuck, read any information you might think is helpful.

Google like crazy. Try to find the right words. Try to translate concepts from other programming languages to help yourself.

Stand on your own.

But also ask others how they would approach things and read their approach. Think about why what they are doing is being done. Ask yourself if there are any unnecessary components, or if you can think of a way that requires less code, less resources, and less work.

When you hit stumbling blocks that you can't for the life of you figure out on your own using debugging tools and by reading related topics and googling? Come here.

The only way to get better at programming is to do it and understand what you are doing and why you are doing it the way you are. Same as anything else. You can't expect to master something in isolation, but you also can't expect to master something by simply doing without understanding the theory behind what you are doing.

Programming is both a practical and theoretical art. Given time and dedication, you can master both sides.
^ This guy has some lovely in-depth snippets that are totally worth a read. Some may be too advanced for you currently but at the least you can take away what good and bad code look like(There's lot of DM examples in Ter13's snippets). Ter13?tab=index&text=sunday+snippet

Also as Ter13 suggested, at least, I think one of the things he suggested: It's not all about reading!

The way I learned to become a good programmer was mainly through practice. I set goals, I tried to achieve them and I went to the community if I get stuck. Once I achieve a goal, I look over what I did and ask "Could this condensed? Can it be more optimized? etc". And then I rewrite and rewrite what I made until I'm satisfied with my work.

There's way too much material across the internet that can help you learn how to program and that's great, but you should try and find a balance of learning through practice and theory.