Is there anything that would cause a players icons to glitch out randomly? Like certain icons being invislbe and the appearance of turfs replaced with random icons? It only appears that way to the client effected and is fixed if they relog. No one else sees the issues.

It is very common. Happens after reboots always and the player must exit the client completly before re-entering to solve the issue. but it also happens randomly.
This happens way to fucking often. Some large icons literally just turn invisible randomly
I've only seen this on a few games where it happened to me, usually all of them were using the old map format. Does that fit your case?
no, and its not like the atoms actually disappear cause their bounds are still dense and some people can still see them. I think it has something to do with rebooting though
Sounds like a bug, perhaps something is going haywire with the player's interface when they reconnect without having a fresh boot of the interface. Do you do a lot of winsets? (grasping at straws here, but hopefully I can help you find a solution.)