As of recently, I have upgraded to a new laptop that runs Windows 10 instead of the Vista my old one was stuck on.

I can download and launch BYOND just fine, the issue lies with actually launching games. None of them will load when I click on "play game" and I'm not exactly sure what the issue is.

I guess as an ahead-of-time thing, I don't know how to uninstall BYOND either. I feel like the process is less crude than emptying the recycle bin, so if reinstalling it is a potential solution I need help learning how to do that as well.

Thanks in advance, have a wonderful rest of the 2016!
Good news, I believe this issue to be resolved. By complete accident, no less!

As it'd happen, trying to troubleshoot another game led to me installing DirectX and fixing any issues BYOND was having.
Now, if only I could figure out how to get it running for that other thing...