pixel_w didn't work correctly with objs.
BYOND Version:511.1366
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Resolved (511.1367)

This issue has been resolved.
pixel_w doesn't work on modified types

icon = 'test.dmi'

world.log << "w: [pixel_w] x: [pixel_x] z:[pixel_z] y:[pixel_y]"

The value shows as being modified, but it doesn't render in the correct place for some reason.

Yeah, it's not working AT ALL.
Curious. I'll definitely be on this tomorrow.
I'm so far not able to confirm any problem with pixel_w.

I can't get a modified type working in mob/Login() in a basic debug project, though; it keeps ending up with an infinite cross-reference loop. I'm stymied as to why; that shouldn't be an issue, but apparently it's causing problems and those problems are in the dark recesses of the compiler.

I finally did get a modified type to work if I did it in world/New(). However, there I'm finding that pixel_w is indeed working as expected.

My gut says there's something else going on there that's running interference, which doesn't show up in a simple debug project. Do you have a test case that shows that? I'd love to get this nailed down.
Lummox JR changed status to 'Unverified'
I encountered this issue while working with pixel_w a while back as well, it works in zero situations.
In response to Crazah
Crazah wrote:
I encountered this issue while working with pixel_w a while back as well, it works in zero situations.

It can't be zero situations, because it worked for me. So there must be some where it doesn't work, others where it does.
I did find an issue in the client code regarding objs, though it was only objs, not mobs. (I found this before it ended up in a test project, so I had to verify there was an issue after the fact.)

Mobs, whether regular or modified types, seem to work just fine with pixel_w. Taking this discovery into account, does that fit with what you're seeing or are you still seeing an issue with mobs or other atoms?
Yeah. When I confirmed the issue for Ter, I only tested it with objs and it definitely did not work.
Ter reported this for modified mob types as well though, so I assume he saw something there that I didn't. I tried this with a modified mob type and it worked as expected for me.
I talked to Ter in the BYOND Discord and he said he was trying to use for obj modified types, he assumed the type didn't matter since they should render the same bc they're both atoms. so ya it's just an issue with objs in general, not just obj modified types. and not mobs.
Awesome! I'll mark this fixed then.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
pixel_w didn't work correctly with objs.