(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Hello. Recently I've been having very bad strings of disconnections throughout most of my games. I don't know why it would happen as I'd like to think my internet is pretty high up there in terms of average and everything else.

It hadn't happened before, but only started once I'd picked up a new router earlier. The reason I ask here and no where else is because Byond is seemingly the only program which I suffer from the disconnection issue. Music streaming, video streaming, and even voice calls through Discord hold up very fine with no hiccups. Yet Byond, which I assume takes little, blows up the moment I turn my head.

I currently have Windows 10, Byond Version 511.1369 (Beta), and have tried multiple times to keep a stable connection for more than an hour over both wireless and Ethernet alike. Even as I type this help post, I find myself disconnected from all of my games or suffering freezeframe until I am given this red message of death. (However rare it may be?)

Connection failed.
Reconnecting in 10 seconds...

Should it be needed as well, the games I've been playing with have been DU, Roleplay Rebirth, and Messatsu Realms alike. Perhaps these games might have the problem? I only find myself having the issue, but... None of my other programs and websites stutter.

Whilst using Discord or even tabbed away from the games, I find myself having an increased chance for this problem to occur. It baffles me, as it had happened very very infrequently with my old router.

Any help, both Computer, Byond, or Router wise..

Would be immensely appreciated. So far, I've been weighing the options of deleting Byond and reinstalling on a stable version, hard-booting the router completely, and restarting the computer or Windows itself. I haven't wanted to try anything before I pinpoint the issue should there even be one capable of fixing.

I don't know where the problem lies, but I hope I've provided enough information to at least start somewhere. Any reply, however fast, would be appreciated greatly.

If more information is necessary / steps are posted to follow through, I will reply as soon as I possibly can.

Thank you, once again.
Best response
Many of those other programs are likely using UDP for streaming, which is a stateless protocol. If a packet gets dropped, they simply try to keep going; but if your router is frequently dropping TCP connections, that would impact BYOND for sure because BYOND uses TCP.

If this is a wireless router, you may simply be dealing with a poor signal. That can be cleaned up a number of ways, including with a wireless extender. Your old router may have had a better signal strength or even position.

If it's a wired connection to your system, then the problem is definitely your new router. There can be no other explanation, since this only started when you got the router.

I'm hoping the router in question is wireless, if only because that would save you the most hassle. Increasing signal strength is doable. But if it's not wireless, your new router is a dud.