But you're a fucking idiot if you don't think there are often valid reasons to go into illegal practices in order to get by.

Plot twist: I'm a fucking idiot.

What happens when the person living in such poor conditions can't find a job?

How many of them are actually looking for jobs?

This is what goes on in the city I come from. At night people stand out in the streets selling drugs, getting drunk, going to clubs, fighting and killing each other, some of them even let their kids roam the streets at night when they have school to go to the next morning. Do you know where my Mom would've been on a night like this? Working overtime. In the event she didn't have a job, you can bet your ass she would've been in front of the computer applying for dozens of positions doing everything humanly possible to find one. The internet is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, honey. You can search for jobs morning, noon, and night instead of twerking on the sidewalk.

Oh my bad, I forgot. It ain't they fault, it's the white man that's forcing them to act like buffoons all hours of the night. If you just remove the racist white mans, all these people would have PhDs and be raking in $100,000 a year.

In response to Meme01
Meme01 wrote:
'Hey, my daddy overcame adversity by working hard! You can too!'

Have you ever heard of the Nature vs Nurture argument? Not everyone is the same, and people are often shaped by their environment. It's not an excuse, but it is a valid reasoning. Some are more suceptible to their environment's influence than others.

Long story short, no one person is the same.

Lol, you talk about 'opportunities' and shit. When you clearly grew up in a nice family. What gives you the right to speak as if everyone would have the same opportunities as you?

When you don't have clear opportunities you go out and make them. ET's point is that people in his family with little or no opportunity worked their butts off and made things better for the next generation, who did the same, and so on.

Nature or nurture makes no difference. If the hand you were dealt is no good you everything you can to build a better hand.

What happens when the person living in such poor conditions can't find a job? What happens when you're in desperate need of money, but you're not sure if the job interview will even get you a phone call back?

You keep looking for more jobs. More and more, and any job. There are jobs out there that go begging every day, even as bad as the economy has been for the last few years. It's not pretty and the job may even suck.

Seriously, read over the stuff he's said in this thread.
I read what he said.

What I'm saying is, just because his family were able to overcome some particularly circumstance doesn't mean that it has to be the case for everyone else. It's short-sighted to apply the 'hey, my parents did this. . . so no one else should ever have a crummy life!' when he doesn't know the circumstances of everyone.

Hardwork pays dividends.

But to be frank, it isn't everything. Sometimes people are just more diligent and can work with disadvantageous conditions better than others. That doesn't make it fair that just inherently, 'blacks' are disadvantaged. (and ur if u think otherwise)

On that note, I'm not saying that the 'white man' will keep us down -- at least not as visibly as they had in the past I'm not saying that you can't overcome adversity and make something of your life, even in poor conditions.

I'm saying that race matters. And that people should just acknowledge what it is, and stop pretending like any black person that tries to bring that discussion is just looking for an excuse. Not everyone one person is the same.

You can put person A in a poor community, and they'll grow up to be a bum.

You can flip the script and put them in a better condition, and perhaps they'll be a success. Another person could perhaps succeed in either -- but the point of the matter is this. While you can succeed in a system that has historically oppressed you blatantly, and still does so (even if not intended), that isn't an excuse to ignore an issue, or pretend like it doesn't exist.

I don't know what that video he posted is supposed to do. It's just people living their lives. If that's how they want to live it, so be it. I don't see anything necessarily wrong with their recreational act, nor is it even sensible to imply that because they're there on a Saturday night, they're doing nothing with their lives.

You keep looking for more jobs. More and more, and any job. There are jobs out there that go begging every day, even as bad as the economy has been for the last few years. It's not pretty and the job may even suck.

Seriously, read over the stuff he's said in this thread.

I don't even need to explain why in that scenerio, a person would rather turn to drug trade.

- Relatively simple money, all you do is sell things like a saleman.

- Choose your hours.

- More convenient and DOESNT suck.

. . .All you have to do is not get caught by police enforcing racist ass laws (although there are many drugs that I agree with being outlawed).

Rather than working a 9 to 5 job that pays pennies with a shitty environment and even shittier boss.
In response to Meme01
Meme01 wrote:
What I'm saying is, just because his family were able to overcome some particularly circumstance doesn't mean that it has to be the case for everyone else. It's short-sighted to apply the 'hey, my parents did this. . . so no one else should ever have a crummy life!' when he doesn't know the circumstances of everyone.

No, it's shortsighted to say that every black person in America who has ever failed recently ended up failing because of systemic racism. As I said before, if this was the 1600s, I'd agree with you. If this was during the Civil Rights movement, I'd agree with you. If we're talking about 2017, no, I do not agree with you.

But to be frank, it isn't everything. Sometimes people are just more diligent and can work with disadvantageous conditions better than others.

Explain which part of this is the result of systemic racism. I had no idea that systemic racism could make people, at birth, more or less diligent than someone else. Hell, you would think that if they had this much control over how we're born, they'd just make everyone white and call it a day.

On that note, I'm not saying that the 'white man' will keep us down -- at least not as visibly as they had in the past


I'm not saying that you can't overcome adversity and make something of your life, even in poor conditions.


I'm saying that race matters. And that people should just acknowledge what it is, and stop pretending like any black person that tries to bring that discussion is just looking for an excuse.

Bruh. You almost had it. You was this close to coming into the light.

I want you to imagine something for a second. Say you're in a race against 5 other people. After the race starts, everyone else passes you up and you come in last place. Each time you lose a race in this manner, as you're standing there crying on your knees, your coach walks over and says:

Don't worry, Meme. That wasn't your fault. You lost the race because the other runners cheated!

Oh, cheer up, Meme! That wasn't your fault. You lost the race because the sun was in your eyes!

There's no need to cry, Meme. That wasn't your fault! You lost the race because the track was slippery!

What would you go home and do? You'd go home and do nothing. You would be convinced that you deserved to win the race and the only reason you didn't was because someone or something out of your control robbed you of it. Had you been told you lost the race because you simply weren't as skilled of a runner as the other participants, you would've gone home and practiced. Exercised. Improved your form. You would've changed yourself.

Blacks will never begin to change if we continue going generation after generation saying that black people are only failing because there's widespread systemic racism holding us back. Your argument is "if a black person makes it out of poverty, it's because they were super lucky and super special and not everyone is born super lucky and super special." My argument is that my parents were not super lucky and super special - my Mom isn't a success because one day success just fell in her lap. She's also not a success because she's super intelligent. She's a success because she worked extremely hard. My point is if other blacks worked just as hard as she did, they would experience similar results. This idea that if you try to make it out of the ghetto, a racist white police officer is just going to appear and gun you down on the side of the road or toss you in prison for no apparent reason is a complete myth in 2017. My brown-skinned grandparents weren't thrown in jail at random. My brown-skinned parents weren't thrown in jail at random. My brown-skinned ass has never been thrown in jail at random. THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS. THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE. THIS IS NOT LUCK.

historically oppressed

Your ancestors having been oppressed does not equal proof of you being oppressed in 2017. Once again, no one is arguing that HISTORICALLY blacks were held back. I'm arguing that in 2017, a lot of things have changed, and that the vast majority of us can no longer rely on the "I'm a victim of systemic racism" excuse. Show me a black person who was gunned down by a cop for no reason and I'll admit they were victimized by a racist police officer. Show me a black person who was wrongfully accused of a crime, and I'll admit they were victimized by a racist judge. Show me a black person living in poverty and doing next to nothing to get themselves out of it, and I'm going to call bullshit if you say that's the white mans fault. Show me a black person who livestreams herself raping her 4-year old son on Periscope and I'm going to call bullshit if you say that's the white mans fault. When that same 4-year old grows up mentally fucked and not equipped with the knowledge and basic skills necessary to make it in life, I'm going to call bullshit if you say that's the white mans fault and not his mother's fault.

It's just people living their lives. If that's how they want to live it, so be it.

Exactly. I'm not saying they don't have a right to stand around and do nothing. I'm saying, when you stand around and do nothing, don't be surprised when you wake up the next morning and find yourself in the same poverty you were in the day before. You just admitted that they are making their own decisions - that they are CHOOSING to live their life this way, so where does the white man come into the equation here? They have the freedom to look at their life situation and choose to either work hard to improve it or remain in that situation. When they choose the latter, they forfeit their right to complain about white people holding them back.

I don't see anything necessarily wrong with their recreational act, nor is it even sensible to imply that because they're there on a Saturday night, they're doing nothing with their lives.

You made the point that there are no jobs and that's why blacks behave this way. I posted the video and asked you a simple question: if the types of people in the video are the same ones living in poverty and can't find jobs, is it REALLY because there are no jobs, or could it be they aren't trying hard enough? It's pretty silly to complain about what you don't have and what you can't find, and then also have absolutely no problem finding the nearest salon to get yo hair and nails did so you can get wasted and gyrate your buttcheeks at the club a few hours later.
I'm saying that race matters

Race doesn't matter. White people don't think of ourselves as a race or even a single group. We think of ourselves as people.

Do you know why you think whites are racist and hate blacks? Because you live in the fucking south, and you are right.

Move somewhere that isn't a bastion of the worst that white people have to offer, like Wisconsin, Michigan, Kansas, or Nebraska.

"I live in a shithole made up of backward, ignorant, racist people."

Well yeah, you live in a shithole made up of racist, ignorant, backward people. Move. Fuck the South. They will NEVER. NEVER get their shit together so long as they cling to racial politics and blame blacks and minorities for all of their problems.

You know why Empirez doesn't think whites are all that horribly racist against blacks? Because he doesn't live in a shithole surrounded by the worst that white people have to offer. He lives in a shithole that's the worst Democrats have to offer: Detroit.

It's not rocket science. Avid, I bet you live in shithole Mississippi. Southend? I bet you live in shithole Georgia.

Move. Seriously. Pick up your shit. Move. I promise you will be happier wherever you end up provided you realize the whole world isn't a shithole like where you've got it in your head that you are stuck. Odds are what's holding you back isn't white people. It's the poisonous, toxic crab mentality you have around you, and the support network you think is helping you, but in actuality is sheltering you from having to actually face reality head on.

"People treat us like shit and demonize us because of our race." Yeah. You live in a republican state that the entire world would rejoice if it were burned to the ground. Nobody thinks Mississippi or Georgia will ever join the first world. Seriously. There are nations in god damn subsaharan Africa that tell their children bedtime stories about how awful the deep South is. --And their kids deal with fucking pirates, drug-fueled dictatorial militias, and honor killings every day.

I pass for white and I wouldn't even live in shitholes like Mississippi and Georgia. Seriously. I'd pick ass cancer over those places.
Used to live in Detroit.

I live in TN now and have for 10 years. If there's widespread systemic racism here, it'd be news to me, especially since half the people I've been pulled over by have been black officers. The last officer I had an interaction with wasn't even him pulling me over. My car cut off right in front of a gas station so I had to try and push it onto the lot. The highly racist and oppressive white police officer coming down the opposite side of the street made a U-turn, got out and helped me push my car onto the lot, gave me the number to a mechanic and offered to call a tow truck for me as well then wished me a good rest of the day. I hate that fucking privileged ass white cop, I'm sure he's probably like, the leader of the KKK or something.
TN is the south in accent only.

I'd argue that Avid in particular would have an extremely valid complaint about systematic racism tho:

Let's talk about redistricting for a minute instead of going on about whose fault slavery was and whether all whites should carry the burden of that forever.

Oh? What's that? Not interesting?

That sucks. It'll have more of an effect to change this one thing than all the screaming in the world about white people being the root of all your problems.
I was going to write up a post defending some of us in south Georgia, but yeah, this place sucks. I don't know why the hell I live here. Racist, country-ass hicks always giving me their hateful, racist, bullshit opinions because you know, I'm white, therefore I must be just like them. They are always completely shocked when I throw them the fuck out of the store.

You made the point that there are no jobs and that's why blacks behave this way. I posted the video and asked you a simple question: if the types of people in the video are the same ones living in poverty and can't find jobs, is it REALLY because there are no jobs, or could it be they aren't trying hard enough? It's pretty silly to complain about what you don't have and what you can't find, and then also have absolutely no problem finding the nearest salon to get yo hair and nails did so you can get wasted and gyrate your buttcheeks at the club a few hours later.

^ When you're not reading my commentary.

I never said that the only reason black people suffer is because of 'racism.' There are plenty of dumb black people that create their own problems! I just think it's ignorance to think that in this day and age, race has no factor. Trust me, it's still better to be white than it is to be black.

And seriously. That place hardly looks like they're in poverty. They look to be more middle class to be frank. Have you ever seen a truly impoverished area? Lol. I'd understand if you could confirm that these were 'poor' people. But it's pretty odd to show a video of a bunch of black men and women having fun when there's nothing validating their current condition.

Do you know why you think whites are racist and hate blacks? Because you live in the fucking south, and you are right.

I never said white people are racist. Most people in America have moved passed that. A black person can succeed -- but why is it so hard to understand that many laws and systems were put into place just to oppress, and still have an effect to this day? Like shit.

This idea that if you try to make it out of the ghetto, a racist white police officer is just going to appear and gun you down on the side of the road or toss you in prison for no apparent reason is a complete myth in 2017.

Hrm. . . what a riveting analysis.

I'd challenge you to point to where I made those types of allegations. Nor suggested that anything of the sort would occur.

Explain which part of this is the result of systemic racism. I had no idea that systemic racism could make people, at birth, more or less diligent than someone else. Hell, you would think that if they had this much control over how we're born, they'd just make everyone white and call it a day.

None really. I was just explaining to you, just because someone could turn a bad situation into a good one, doesn't mean everyone would react the same. The solution isn't to just look at disadvantaged people and say 'do better'. Why not just make it so everyone is at a more even playing field?

Exactly. I'm not saying they don't have a right to stand around and do nothing. I'm saying, when you stand around and do nothing, don't be surprised when you wake up the next morning and find yourself in the same poverty you were in the day before.

. . . .My dude. You posted a video of young men and women ENJOYING themselves late at night. How on Earth can you infer that they're just a bunch of lazy motherfuckers who are poor and doing nothing with their lives?

Black people like the night life.

Big deal.

--- In any case, I dislike that some of you are misconstruing my argument. It's not as simple as
white vs black. Most white people are great, in fact, I'd go as far as to say that the general populace of white people that I've met have liked me more than black people.

The problem doesn't lay in the general populace. The problem lays in laws, government officials, and to a much LESSER extent, law-enforcement. (Mind you, most cops aren't racist dick bags, but the prison system is proven to be race-based as well.)
Yeah, we're done here. He thinks the people in the video I just linked are all making $26 an hour lol. And because you're going to inevitably say "NO I NEVER SAID OR IMPLIED THAT" like you've done this entire time, let's jog your goldfish memory:

They look to be more middle class to be frank.

Tune in next week to hear this guy say "how can you infer someone's a prostitute just by looking at them?"
Black men were the founders of the slave trade. The trade traveled North and East early on, but was later abolished for the most part in Europe for a long stretch of time.
If black men were the founders of the slave trade why did pope innocente legalize it ? Europeans were behind the most evil slavery in human history.

The first slave owner in colonial America was a black man:
Anthony Johnson held John Casor(another black man) originally as an indentured servant in Virginia, and then forced him into slavery via multiple court hearings.

It's also exceptionally easy to find via a few searches(http://scholar.google.com ; http://www.google.com ) that well over a hundred black slave owners in America owned people who were not family and exploited their slaves for economic gain. The Moyer family is probably the most well-known family of slave-owners, with them holding around 500 slaves on the Isle of Canes at one point. Of course, their descendants have tried to change history in their writings, but the majority of those writings directly contradict contemporary records.

Another thing to note is that less than 300,000 people were slave owners in America at any one time. That includes both white and black slave owners. There were almost 13,000,000 people in America at the time that it reached that number(around 1850), and it steadily declined after that point. That's less than 2.5%. Less than 5% of Americans owned slaves throughout the entirety of American history.

The first Colonial slaver owner was not a black man that's a WHITE lie stormfront or white supremacist spread around. Anthony Johnson came here as property himself so how exactly could he be the first slave owner in america ? Slaves had been here since 1619, and all slaves had been "legal" slaves (and thus their owners "legal" slave owners) since the first law legalizing slavery passed. John Punch was/is considered the first slave by court of law and his owner Hugh Gwyn(white man) the first slave owner.

I literally said majority of black slave owners... Majority of blacks that owned people that weren't their family owned people of their tribe and didn't treat them like animals putting them in zoo's or using their babies as crocbait that, "blacks owned slaves too" bullshit won't work here.

Whites have been invading and flooding America throughout history im failing to see your point about who own slaves when this country was built on the labor of those slaves...

This was addressed already in this topic - yes, there are issues with the war on drugs. It was very likely originally started as a way to target certain groups(and it wasn't just racially motivated).

If it wasn't just racially motivated there should be others still in prison now for non violent drug offenses right ? Drug money funded a war(Crack wasn't illegal) then they started to criminalize blacks for the very drugs that had been legal. Wheres the war on drugs now that white youths are walking around downtown like zombies high on heroin ? They're building safe spaces for them to use their drugs while they still disproportionately arrest blacks for drugs.

Government welfare programs were originally started to aid white men
Government welfare programs that were created to aid white men built the white middle class. Where are blacks government programs to help them build a black middle class ?

Yes, this has occurred over time, and in many occasions. Yes, it is wrong.
Those people are more than capable of issuing lawsuits(and have done so) in most of those cases.
Bullshit... Redlining created the ghettos blacks live in now so what lawsuits have they issued ?

These are all historical events. While horrible events, they have no major bearing on contemporary events. Please provide evidence to the contrary, if you have it. This has already been addressed earlier in the topic, as well.
Destroying every successful black community had a effect on the present... White people live in those areas and the black people didn't receive reparations or even justice after they had bombs dropped on them your ignorant if you think the past doesn't shape their future our present.

I don't understand this statement. Please elaborate.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ White_genocide_conspiracy_theory

Caucasians have recessive genes and blacks have dominant genes.

It has been taken into account in this thread. Those actions were a hundred years ago or more. Poverty amongst black communities has already been steadily declining via their own action.
No it hasn't Empire has constantly blamed blacks and claimed we have the resources to build a black middle class.
If poverty among black communities has been steadily declining why has the wage gap been steadily increasing ? what your claiming is bullshit.

This is a fault of the current standard of living in black communities. School systems have been improving in quality over time.
How ? When its not the black communities taking away funding for schools in black areas... Schools in black areas always had less funding even when crime was non existent in the black community.

And this is just plain incorrect.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Immigration_to_the_United_States

Two non-black groups who have succeeded primarily via their own means:

Black American ethnicities who have succeeded via their own means:
Who are primarily composed of:

Immigrants can literally only succed in america because of the civil rights movement they didn't come here and succeed via their own means. Italians are white they had/have access to resources that were denied to blacks. The KKK, the poor mobs of whites that destroyed prosperous black communities and alot of the whites that oppressed blacks are italians who now claim america was their birthright.

Asians benefited from the civil rights movement aswell and none of the communities they created were destroyed by whites because some white woman lied... Asians haven't been through half the things blacks have been through and have been allowed to prosper in america(why haven't any whites destroyed chinatown) ?

Where is all this success from haitians and jamaicans you claim ? My grandfather is Jamaican and my grandmother is Haitian I have family members from both groups living in america and they are literally going through the same things we(blacks born in america) have been going through. It seems you're honestly just throwing shit out there hoping it lands. A few athletes and musicians are not signs of success for blacks as a group... where are the haitian and jamaican banks ? Where are the Jamaican and Haitian towns similar to china town ? Where are the Haitian and Jamaican grocery stores ? What you claim is success is nothing more than bullshit.

The few aren't the standard the majority are.

May I ask why you believe this?
Mathematically impossible for 6million Khazar converts(they lied about being the original jews to invade Israel) to not only be killed while the nazis fought in a world war but also for their bodies to be burned leaving no trace. I won't deny the fact that it happened but I will deny the fact that 6million(first it was 16million) gentiles died at the hands of nazis.

Was about the point where I decided Southend's points were too far gone to address. Calling anyone genetically inferior while simultaneously arguing against racism smacks of a sort of dedication to illogic.
Facts aren't illogical. Science has proven that black genes are dominant and white genes are recessive so how was what i said too far gone ?

Funny you mention the government dismantling black households. My father had a father growing up. My mother had a father growing up. I had a father growing up.

Who the hell cares ? Honestly... I ate a burger today clearly world hunger doesn't exist because if those starving would work hard to get a burger just like me they wouldn't be starving.... That's you in a nuttshell with your story I don't give a damn about. You are not the standard of blacks 1 does not reflect the conditions of the many so why are you giving us your life story in an attempt to say, "my father did it why can't yours" My father is a heroin addict has been for my entire life he spent alot of time in jail for his drug addiction so according to you I should be out here killing people and running around committing madness right ?

Take responsibility for your own actions. You can continue to point fingers at the government and police and the 1600s and whatever else you want, it doesn't work anymore. It's 2017. The handouts are there. The resources are there. The rights are there. If you still aren't succeeding by now as a black person, it is your own fault. No matter what advancements and progress we make, we will continue to shout "WE NEED MOAR" and it's pathetic. This is why the alt-right doesn't like us, because whites could double the amount of shit they give to blacks and we'd still be complaining about how it's not enough yet. We'd still be slaughtering each other in Chicago. We'd still be dropping out of school. We'd still be spending our money on paint jobs for our cars and gold grills in our mouth.

Actually, I can hold the government accountable for giving whites all the handouts they need to build a white middle class while denying blacks those very same resources to build a black middle class. The handouts aren't there if they are where are blacks homestead acts/reparations ? Where are the same resources whites used to build their middle class ? Where are the rights when cops are legally executing blacks and not being held accountable not to mention the current judicial system that disproportionately targets blacks ?

The Alt-right don't like blacks because they're racist bigots that want blacks to go back to africa and believe America is their birthright. Give us our reparations and resources to build a middle class i doubt blacks would be complaining(Notice middle class blacks don't complain or commit crime ?)

Your clearly not black no one buys grills or paint jobs your exposing yourself.

There's not going to be a massive improvement in the black community until a massive amount of blacks want that improvement to happen badly enough that they get off their asses and make it happen. Thousands upon thousands of blacks nationwide protest a white cop killing a black man. In Chicago, a crowd of about 100 people protest the utterly insane amount of black on black killings, and I'm supposed to sit here and believe the main problem is what racist whites did generations ago?

When blacks kill other blacks or commit crimes they go to jail/prison. When white cops kill unarmed blacks they get paid leave, mistrials and let go... Why the hell do you think the two are equal ? Yes, What whites did generations ago are to blame if blacks were allowed to build and given the resources to succeed do you honestly think they would be committing crimes ? If so, What crimes are the blacks in baldwin hills committing ?

I DARE you to go to a predominantly black neighborhood and tell those people they're poor because of their own bad decisions. I DARE you to go to a predominantly black neighborhood and say you're not a Democrat. I DARE you to go to a predominantly black neighborhood and suggest that people cooperate with police and abandon their "no snitch" culture, which as we've already concluded, contributes to that "dismantling" and "prison" issue you mention. I DARE you to go to a predominantly black neighborhood and tell them they are killing each other at far higher rates than cops are killing them. You will be exiled from the black community IMMEDIATELY. They will label what you're saying as "hate speech" and call you a Nazi. Hell, you might even get shot at.
Why would i got to an predominantly black neighborhood and tell them they're poor because of their bad decisions ? When theres evidence of white supremacy being behind it ? Im not a democrat neither are black people in a predominantly black neighborhoods... Why would i tell black people in the hood not to snitch when police officers don't snitch on their own corrupt officers ? When blacks kill other blacks they go to prison for life when cops kill blacks unarmed they get paid leave. I have openly expressed my beliefs to people in my, "Hood" and nothing has been done they even know i like anime i should be shunned why haven't I ?

Southend? I bet you live in shithole Georgia.
Nope, I live in Seattle Wa #BringBackTheSonics
that's you and Meme's logic in a nutshell

"so what your family acted like civilized people and worked hard, that doesn't mean the rest of us are capable of acting like civilized people and working hard"

stay blue pilled

Thought so.
Southend Boi wrote:
Caucasians have recessive genes and blacks have dominant genes. [therefore blacks are genetically superior]

Just so you know, that's not how that works. This is top 10 list of dumbest shit I've ever heard on this site. That's like winning the special olympics... Or losing. Whichever one makes it more retarded.

If this were any other site, I'd just assume you were trolling. But you aren't. You are actually this illogical and uneducated.

Southend_boi wrote:
Your clearly not black no one buys grills or paint jobs your exposing yourself.

Ter13 wrote:
Though, I think your lack of self awareness about just how little you're actually able to articulate a solid point, or a well-reasoned thought is going to really get in the way of me explaining to you just how far gone you are.

Is my ability to use your and you're in a sentence correctly a product of my racially inferior, recessive white genes? Is you using it wrong part of your racially superior black genes? Or wait, is it part of the Jewish conspiracy to invade the single shittiest strip of land in the entire Near East?

Southend_boi's to do list:

* argue racism and segregation is bad.

* argue for racial superiority.

* deny the holocaust.

I'm not even mad. I'm impressed that you got so many words into the post box when you rolled your head against your keyboard.

Again, I could address what you think are points.

But let's start here:

There's no point to addressing anything else you said. It's ridiculous.

1) deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd.
hat's you and Meme's logic in a nutshell

"so what your family acted like civilized people and worked hard, that doesn't mean the rest of us are capable of acting like civilized people and working hard"

stay blue pilled

Way to completely miss the point, and just respond in a way that promotes your short-sighted view of the general black populance.

'I guess he feels these people make 26 dollars an hour.'

so you need to be making 26 dollars an hour to not be deemed poor or living a decent life? All you did was show a random group of black people enjoying time out in the night, and you expect that to be proof that they're somehow lazy bastards who are doing nothing with their lives.

But I can't argue with ignorance, I suppose. So won't reply back from this point.
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