(See the best response by FKI.)
so i downloaded this source by Flame48, it adds a mini radar in the game, i wanna use it in my dbz project, so, when i equip scouter i want to radar appear on the screen, any ideas how to make it>? radar can be downloaded here
There are many ways to go around this, you can set it to where it doesn't update unless scouter is on.
if(scouteractive) client.Redraw()

Or we could set it to where it doesn't even add to the screen untill your scouter is on.
//do the rest :)

fk im pretty bad at coding, i get too many errors, maybe we could chat any day soon and u could help me? @Dragonpearl123
maybe any other ppl are willing to help?
Best response
Try walking before running and learning how to program before trying to program. Start with getting familiar with DM basics through the guide.

Long story short, you must be willing to help yourself before expecting help from another.
If you don't wanna help me, no point posting this
In so many words, you were helped, but because you couldn't copy and paste the example, you shrugged it off and didn't try.

The majority of community helpers here are going to tell you exactly what I'm telling you because you just want to be spoon-fed.

So you have the options of doing your due diligence and putting forth some effort into your cause to progress you, or waiting around for a handout which one, maybe two people are going to give you.
Well i did copy that lol