(See the best response by Dragonpearl123.)
So is full-screen really supported in windows?? and if so how do I achieve it??
Best response
Yes full-screen is supported in windows.
//insert login things here
winset(src, "default", "is-maximized=true")

and make sure in interface for your default window remove title bar and status bar. Click Me
PopLava has a good library on this here.
Thanks for the help it did the job very well :)
but how would I make the view fit the screen resolution;

I can't have it looking like that
In response to Gold94
Change your view size.
but I have a larger screen resolution than other people, I mean how would I make it so that it reads someones resolution and changes their screen view to their resolution .-.
Just find a good view size ratio, it wont be perfect for every screen. Just find a view size that would work best for most people.