(See the best response by Dragonpearl123.)
If I set a for in view with the view being bigger than the callers view, what happens?

Ex: src.view is 10 but I use for(var/mob/M in view(15))
Will this look for M only in 10 tiles or 15?

Yes, you can use view() in that manner.

Was your example just that though? Or are you actually using view() for that purpose? Just curious.
In response to FKI
Well, you haven't actually answered any of my two questions. That was just an example.
It uses the size and object center that you specify when you call it. It doesn't care about the client's view size at all except to use it as the default.
In response to Ter13
But on the documentation default is said to be 5 on the view proc...
In response to NSBR
Best response
the src.view is seperate for the for, because it just shows how fat from the center you can see. However
view = 8//This shows that the players screen will only show 8 tiles from the center.
for(var/mob/M in view(15))//This is basically stating that for any mob that is within 15 tiles in either direction from the player will be tagged.
M.tag//This tags them

The clients view does not effect the for command in any way, and it just used to limit or expand their map screen in this case.
In response to NSBR
NSBR wrote:
Well, you haven't actually answered any of my two questions. That was just an example.

That's my bad; I initially misread.