Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

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It'd be nice if we got more power with blend. Sepecifically, if we could get a width/height argument and/or options to set the src and dst rects, this would make doing some fancy things much easier.
Currently I have to copy a 512x512 icon and crop it to get what I want which as you can imagine is VERY inefficient. Having the option to blend directly from a set of coordinates would be wonderful.

If src/dst would be too much (because itd involve resizing), srcRect, dstX/dstY or similar could be substituted instead.
Is Crop() really that bad? You're still loading up the entire 512x512 icon either way (which I would expect is harder than Crop(), but I could be wrong), otherwise you wouldn't be able to call its Crop() or give it to Blend(). Wouldn't it be nicer to somehow load up a cropping of an image instead of the entire thing?
I have to copy the image several times, Im using it to load a font
In response to Somepotato
Oh, right. You have to load the whole thing multiple times, not just once.

I think a new Crop() function that returns a new /icon object instead of operating on itself would be nice to have, in that case.