"As you get more comfortable, you’ll naturally start to find those tools limiting rather than helpful and look for more powerful ones. But most of the time, few people will ever even look at your code or even ask what you used — It’s what you make with it that counts."

"There are almost always many different approaches to a particular problem, with no single “right way.” A lot of programmers get very good at advocating for their preferred way, but that doesn’t mean it’s the One True Path. Going head-to-head with people telling me I was Wrong, and trying to figure out if they were right, was one of the more stressful aspects of my early career."

"You’ll hit this wall no matter what “learn to code” program you follow, and the only way to get past it is to persevere. This means you keep trying new things, learning more information, and figuring out, piece by piece, how to build your project. You’re a lot more likely to find success in the end if you have a clear idea of why you’re learning to code in the first place." things-i-wish-someone-had-told-me-when-i-was-learning-how-to -code-565fc9dcb329
Learning how to program in the first place is a very interesting journey. In my case, I was actually introduced to it by my father. That is where I learned some BASIC (first programming language I learned). Being the kind of language it is; you definitely have to move up at some point. However, there are people still program great things in it (regardless of it's limitations).

As for assembly, you definitely do not need to learn how to become the world's best programmer. Rather, it can be helpful with programming in other languages and knowing more about your system in general. In fact, mix and matching some of the concepts from various languages gives you plenty of weaponry to work with. In my case, assembly has not only helped with my C++ programming ability (which involves a lot of pointers), but also other programming languages.

Plus, learning OOP through C++ has helped with my ability to deal with OOP in other programming languages as well as learning some Java. DM has even helped and been helped by other programming languages. One important thing to do is adapt. Don't expect to stick with the same methods forever.

In my case for instance, I used to create entire projects in one source code file (with a few exceptions). That's perfectly fine for smaller projects, but more complex projects is another story. Due to increasing complexity of my projects; it became necessary that I use multiple source code files. That is also where OOP becomes a real help as that paradigm is designed for handling large projects very well if done right. It helps a lot in the regards of organization and readable code. It's even good software engineering if you do it right.

But yeah, that's a very interesting and motivational topic.
I agree about how faith is important. It comes with experience. It also is something I think some people have naturally. The more you persist at learning and accomplishing a task and believe you can do it, I think the more successful you'll be. In my opinion, hte most successful people are this way. Doubt or walls don't make them quit. They put any frustration or disinterest behind them. If a field of work isn't right for them, they're wise enough to leave before it becomes a problem, precisely because they don't linger. They go and go, like the energizer bunny.

The very first time I knew about programming was a friend who inputted programs into his--I think--Commodore PC. He had magazines with games in them and while being largely mystified I was fascinated. If I could relive my life I'd love to take up his spare offers to input them. It was a lost opportunity.

I'm just a hobbyist programmer. Been doing it for a long time, since HS. Not sure how mcuh my advice is worth. What I will say is don't focus on the future of your project too much. A good project will evolve on its own. Also don't let your goals get too ambitious because walls can kill your motivation to keep going.