Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
I dunno if this is currently doable but i would love if there was a way to make a byond game as a single player game on packaging with disabled multiplayer ability like a checkbox or something to prevent any kind of hosting or such of a game so making a single player game is doable
I seem to recall being able to override world.OpenPort() to prevent a server from being hosted:

return 0
You'd need to actually do two things. The first is overriding OpenPort() as above. The second is checking the value of world.port inside of world/New().

You see, when hosting with Dream Daemon, OpenPort() isn't called because the port is already open when the world starts up.

if(world.port) world.OpenPort("none")

if(new_port == "none") return ..()
return 0