BYOND Version:511
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 59.0.3071.82
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Attempting to select, say icon/turf/mining.dmi may get replaced with icon/obj/mining.dmi, or vise versa, when map-editing an object's vars

Doesn't show until you re-open the edit window.

Seems to be what ever one is first alphabetically

file_dir is disabled.

Sister issue: (confirmed in stub project)
I have also encountered this issue, but I've also encountered it in the UI itself, and across externally loaded .dmis.

For example, if I've File>Open'd an external dmi named xyz.dmi and then try to open my project's xyz.dmi, it will occasionally switch to the external xyz.dmi instead. Even if I close the external xyz.dmi tab, it will just reopen it, and I can see the path at the top is not the one I selected in the file list, it is instead an absolute path to the external one.