Maptext was cached incorrectly, causing it to apply atom.color to the cached text.
BYOND Version:511
Operating System:N/A
Web Browser:N/A
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Resolved (511.1385)

This issue has been resolved.
What ever was changed here made maptext very weird. Some of my maptext has layering issues with its outlines (in underlays, using FLOAT_LAYER), and some just initializes straight black when it's set to be white.

Edit: Been messing around with it for a bit and the issues are many and tend to be very inconsistent. Text will be black initially, turn white when sent an update, turn black when sent the same update, and then remain white for every further update. Then I reboot the game and do the same thing and the text is only black initially and white when sent every update. At one point two problem maptext pieces both changed color at the same time without being sent an update.
Reformist, if you have a test case for that I'd very much like to see it.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Maptext was cached incorrectly, causing it to apply atom.color to the cached text.