(See the best response by Maximus_Alex2003.)

Problem description: While creating an interface, the Labels have a box (in the options tab) in which you can check, this box is named "Scale Image to Fit Control". So when ever someone resizes the whole window in runtime the image will resize to fit properly.

The Button does not have such a command, so if I were to add an image to it and later resize my window while in runtime, the image will remain the same size while the button increases in size.

So such a feature to allow a button image to fit properly, once the button size has been increased during runtime, would be quite handy. Any help?

Buttons don't allow images to be resized to fit their contents.

There's no code snippet anyone's going to be able to give you to allow you to do that.
Best response
What Ter13 said.

Switch to HUD. Throughout a few years now I've come to conclusion that interface-based UIs are garbage that need some junky work-around hacks to function like you'd want to.

Make your interface contain only 1 object... the map. Then add everything to the map via screen objs.
Thanks for the answers