(See the best response by Nadrew.)
I'm starting with coding and in my project here I've found a little thing that got me really frustrated.

So I have a bunch of questions:

I set my mob/player icon as the respective file but when I compile and run it do not display anything, so I tested the states and they were working fine if I define it. From my research this happens cause when you have various states the default state is an blank state and you must set the state your self. Am I right?


But the problem is that I stated the "walk" state as the Movement State and it do not play automatically when the player walks.
I reasearched a lot before asking here and tested things on my own, but didn't found an answer for this exactly since, from what I saw, the language changed to pixel movement and other changes "recently".

So from the logic that I can produce as a in-training programmer is:
I can create a proc to check movement and if its moving then i flick "walk" state. But its this the best thing? is the Movement State really not working? Do I need to set anything before get it to work?

If the proc checkmovement() is really an option how would I do it? is checking if the client Exited or Entered?

(dunno if the post formating is on the norms.. srry)
OBS: All the code I have is on the GIF and the Libs are all off cause they are the forum_account libs I was studying.

Thanks in advance
Best response
Movement states aren't states that are automatically used when moving, they're states that are used when moving with that specified icon_state.

You can have a state named "walk" that's the mob standing still, and a state named "walk" that's set as a movement state with the walking animation.

In that case, when the mob's icon_state is set to "walk" it'll use the non-movement state when standing still, and the movement state when moving.

In your case, you'd want two blank states, one that's moving and one that's not, the moving one would be set to movement state.
Well thanks... I feel kind of stupid. I saw on others projects like the libs and the state names did'nt got my attention. I saw on my researchs before this post that people prefer to put the standing state first and the movement state second, but I tought it was a preference... and now I understand how it really works.

thank you Nadrew ;)