(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
Title says, i'm quite new to the dream maker.
More detail on what im trying to do.
So i have a statpanel called "Feelings", And in that panel i have mad,sad,happy.
I'm working on mad, and there are 3 levels of pain, Irritated,Frustrated,Angry.
I have a proc that turns the numerical mad var into a var(mad_wording) that contains one of the three words.
The stats in the statpanel instead show a word, instead of a number. But the problem is, is when you are not mad(mad=0) i don't want the statpanel to show anything. This is what the stat looks like "" stat(usr.mad_feeling_start_statement,usr.mad_wording)""
so when mad = 0 mad_feeling_start_statement=" ", that way nothing will be displayed. I have my own proc for this, but how do i update this proc every couple of seconds?

I'm not sure what you're saying, but I'm just gonna throw some things out there in case anything sticks.

Stat() is called periodically by the engine; you don't have to do anything. Whenever Stat() is called, the statpanels are populated with the data according to statpanel() and stat() calls. Again, this happens automatically already.

If you don't want a stat to be shown at all, you could use an if() like so:
// Only show this stat if mad:
stat(mad_feeling_start_statement, mad_wording)
Alright that worked, but encase i need too is there anyway i can run a proc every 10 seconds?
In response to Salazar Neck Twister
Best response
You can repeat code using while() or for(), and delay code using sleep or spawn(). Use the DM Reference (press F1 in Dream Maker) to read about those, and feel free to ask for help after reading up.

Here's an example:
// When a player logs in...
// Start the loop. Use spawn so that Loop doesn't prevent Login from ending.
spawn Loop()

// TRUE is always true, so this loop repeats forever (until src is deleted).

// Do whatever it is you wanted to do every 10 seconds.

// Wait 10 seconds before running the next iteration.
sleep 100

src << "boop"