(See the best response by Nadrew.)
Problem description:
I'm in the middle of a massive refactor, moving an incredible amount player save data from save-files to an SQL database for various reasons. I've arrived at a point where I'm writing code to actually migrate all of the data onto the database, but I'm encountering a couple of problems.
I'm sure further down the line I'll be back with more questions, but for now just the one:

Lists have been stored in the save file at various places and I have no good idea on how to move that data over into the database, short of converting into a type of comma-delimited-list as text and then re-converting it into a list when it's read at run-time. How should I migrate the information over?
Best response
list2params() and params2list() would probably work for your needs.
Ah well that's effectively the CDLs I was talking about but I don't have to write it myself. Thanks.