(See the best response by Ter13.)
hey I know the coding is bad but I want to re code it and make it better

but I don't know were to start

can someone help me?

s_damage(P, poisonDMG, "red")

there are 30 errors about the same thing basically

please help D:
Best response
Rise of Heroes uses s_damage. It's a library. You need to have it installed.

Just so you know, though, s_damage is incredibly outdated. There are now much better ways to handle what that lib does.
im recoding it

can you please let me know what the better way is to handle it?
question I just installed it then put the files in but no good it made two errors
s_damage uses an object per digit to represent damage text. It's now possible to use a single object for the whole string by taking advantage of maptext.
also im very new so I apologize if I don't understand
I keep getting unable to open
nevermind I got it
I am willing to help you since i am still learning how to do programming well.