Keywords: drag, file
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
You can drag a file from the file tree to your code to insert a path to that file, between single-quotes.

Exaggerated Example:
Click and drag "grass.dmi", which is located in "./turfs/environment/green stuff/" here:
icon = [here]

// becomes...

icon = 'turfs/environment/green stuff/grass.dmi'

Would be useful for larger projects or just lazy people, this is in effect on a lot of programs.
++ (Apparently voting up on feature requests has been removed now?)
That's not very useful in my opinion.
Would be better if system similar to Visual Studio's Intellisense would get added.
In response to Zaoshi
Zaoshi wrote:
Would be better if system similar to Visual Studio's Intellisense would get added.

That'd be nice too.
Massive necromancy bump for 516 pls
In response to Spevacus
Spevacus wrote:
Massive necromancy bump for 516 pls

I'm lazy, and I support this suggestion.
(Just being able to swap from object to file tab with the instance editor open would be a huge QoL improvement)