(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Do sleep commands round up to tick lag?? meaning that the maximum precision we can have is 100ms??
Best response
They round, yes. If you want more precision you need a faster FPS.
Thanks I tested it also and I had different times when changing fps. Its just that in the reference it says that sleep works with 1/10 of seconds and not ticks. also I noticed that sleeps also takes 0.1 as argument so I can go as low as 10ms right??
The value in sleep() is always in terms of standard ticks, for legacy reasons, but internally it's always changed to an integer number of server ticks--which happen at whatever rate is specified by tick_lag or fps.

Sleeping a fractional number of server ticks is of course not possible, as there's no such concept.

If your world runs at 100 FPS--which is really more of a theoretical concept than a practical one--then yes, 10 ms would be fine. In practice, running the server at that speed is problematic.
Thanks for the clarification, yeah so 0.1 should only work with 100fps.

I just noticed that round up in my custom glide proc where sleep(lag/32) lag/32==0.04 in many cases was rounded up and certain units got really slow.