(See the best response by IainPeregrine.)
I was playing a game and said something in patois, my native language in Jamaica. Because im Jamaican the HOST assumed I was black and banned me for it. Byond... you should know this isn't fair. Here is the screenshot
BYOND has nothing to do with the games displayed within.

If you have a problem with a specific game, host your own server or find another.
WELL.. that sucks, Im sure if the game admins for Call of duty ever banned someone for being a different race, the PS4 community would do something about it. Anyway. since this is obviously under developed I guess it doesn't make sense complaining
Best response
As you've discovered, there are pockets of racism and other suck in this community, as in the gaming community at large. It's something that needs to be addressed.

Having the BYOND staff do something about this incident specifically may not be possible, however. BYOND provides software, the HUB, and user accounts (keys). The HUB can be moderated (like having hub entries removed) if a HUB entry causes a problem (like racism on the HUB entry). Users can be moderated (like having them banned from if the user breaks the rules.

The problem comes from trying to moderate what users do within a game. For instance, if someone hosts one of my games and bans people for racist reasons, BYOND isn't going to remove my HUB or ban my key.

From the screenshot you've posted, I can't tell what game that is (what is the HUB page) or the key of the people using racist language. If you can find out which game it was (which HUB) and which server (what key was hosting if possible) then you should post that, so that at least it's documented. However, you're still going to get people telling you there's nothing that can be done. For a lot of reasons, BYOND doesn't moderate what happens in games.

But you're right that we should do better as a community to stomp out that kind of behavior.
In response to IainPeregrine
I think the best way to "stomp out that kind of behavior" is to stop implicitly supporting it by playing these games in the first place.

You can't be racist against your players if you have no players.

That said, this really is disgusting behavior and I wish there were something the BYOND staff could do, but really, no other engine or platform polices the communities in that way. That said, I'm sure that your assertion that PSN (or XBLA or the Steam store) would suppress the entry for that game and maybe perform some sort of investigation is at least mostly correct. I feel BYOND staff should really do something similar here -- they shouldn't lose their rights to host the game because that's silly, but they should not be given a place to display it.
Kill all white people.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Kill all white people.