dm.exe now has a -full_paths option to output the full path of any file that has an error or warning, rather than the relative path.
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (512.1417)

This issue has been resolved.
I'm using dm.exe from a 3rd party IDE and it'd be really helpful if I could get the error/warning output to be full paths rather than relative.

Please consider adding an option to dm.exe to output absolute paths.

Without option:
src\ Moo: undefined proc
Moo.dmb - 1 errors, 0 warning (3/25/18 11:19 am)

With option:
C:\Repos\Moo\src\ Moo: undefined proc
Moo.dmb - 1 errors, 0 warning (3/25/18 11:19 am)
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
dm.exe now has a -full_paths option to output the full path of any file that has an error or warning, rather than the relative path.