So, I just had a player log in to my game today and spam a byond link.

When I clicked on it, it brought me to what appeared to be another server of my own game, except the player who spammed the link had owner-level GM, and the window title was changed from saying "Duel Monsters Genesis - - By UnknownDuelist" to "Duel Monsters Unlimited By KnightOfHanoi".

There's a few reasons why this is a head scratcher and why it's concerning.

1. This server appeared to be the most recent version of my game before I was daemon banned from it.
2. I still had my owner-level GM.
3. This guy also had owner-level GM.
4. The server wouldn't load save files.
5. The server couldn't access the hub medals.
6. He apparently was able to get the server to appear on its own hub page.
7. The source code for this game, aside from a few years ago when it changed hands from UnknownDuelist to myself (easily over 100 updates ago), has never left my computer, has never been uploaded online, and nobody has ever had access to it physically.

Here's some screenshots...

Guy logs in here.

What the game looks like
(Note the "has just arrived in Domino City" lines. This indicates a new player with no save file to load. The orange/yellow name indicating Ownership Level.)

The Hub Page which was showing the server DuelMonstersUnlimited

And the guy's member page

just created today.

So... anyone have any idea what the hell is going on here?
I've had an issue before with my game where the user could modify variables in the game via a memory editor. People were able to edit the variable where my key is defined as a master moderator. This only works if the culprit is hosting the server. They had to be a host of a dream daemon client.

Tried it myself and though I couldn't have hub connection, I still got admin access. I don't remember if the save files still loaded however?

I got around this issue by putting the master keys in a list. I tried it myself on a dream daemon hosted server and I couldn't edit no longer while before hand I could.