(See the best response by Ter13.)
Problem description:

I am trying to make use of shadowdarke's day night system, but using the area, it seems to replace my sandstorm area, instead of adding it on top.

Is there any way to do this, to keep my sandstorm, and have the other area on top of it?

Is there any way to do this? Yes and No. Yes, because develop a library that implements both. No, because you can't have 2 /area occupy the same location. You should only need to use one single /area and change it's attributes to match your needs. Also, with the newer features and built-in systems on BYOND for appearance_flags, planes, animate() and matrix() you probably shouldn't be using a somewhat outdated library like Shadowdarke's.
Best response

Two areas cannot be collocated. You are gonna have to find another way to handle this.
I have done so already, with Nadrew's lightingtest demo, thanks for the help anyways!