
by Orange55
An upcoming pvp game featuring mandatory guild warfare
You can now dye clothing.

v 0.04

I went ahead and implemented an inventory system today. It's the standard statpanel inventory system I've seen in countless other games with a couple additional features.

You can dye clothing using the system. So players can customize they're clothes to fit their personal tastes. There's also an (small) extra feature that allows clothing to display a different icon when they are dropped and in your inventory.

Additionally, I've added a couple settings to the game.

Players can now control how they want the game to display. By default the map will "stretch" to fill as much space as possible. But if you prefer a different ratio (usually depending on monitor res) you may want something different.

There is also now fullscreen support. It's right by the map zoom settings.

Map zoom feature.

I'm almost done with the essential "support" systems that the game needs in place. Soon I'll be moving onto combat updates and possible nabbing a couple testers to fight against.

That's all for now,