I've been out the pixel loop for quite some time now, so this took me about 15-20 minutes to complete in total. About the outline of the base, I was inspired by something Kalzar showed me, and I think it is a good technique of shading. Any suggestions before I continue on with animating?

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Branks wrote:
I've been out the pixel loop for quite some time now, so this took me about 15-20 minutes to complete in total. About the outline of the base, I was inspired by something Kalzar showed me, and I think it is a good technique of shading. Any suggestions before I continue on with animating?

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I can't Really Comment On This Theres Basically Nothing Left To Improve.
In response to Firekid

Why the fuck do you capitalize the first letter of every word?
In response to Ninjafro
Ninjafro wrote:

Why the fuck do you capitalize the first letter of every word?

Because I Feel Like It?
is it any of your business how i write or type? no so shut up^^.
In response to Firekid
In response to Ninjafro
Ninjafro wrote:

Why the fuck do you capitalize the first letter of every word?

Send him a page if you want to argue, dont do it on these forums. Keep it on topic.