How 'bout a version of prompt() called multiprompt() that allows clicking multiple items, and returns a list of all items clicked?

How 'bout a version of prompt() called multiprompt() that allows clicking multiple items, and returns a list of all items clicked?

It would actually be easier to introduce this as an input type. Then it would work in verbs and prompts:

mob/verb/drop(O[] as list in usr)

Or simply

mob/verb/drop(O[] in usr)

The question is, can you live without this for a few weeks. I have been forbidden to work on new features until we can get things completely stabalized and somewhat publicized.

In response to Dan
The question is, can you live without this for a few weeks. I have been forbidden to work on new features until we can get things completely stabalized and somewhat publicized.

Oh, no rush at all. I'll be happy just knowing it's on The List. Thanks!