In response to Nadrew
I belive an easier way to do this would be

for(var/obj/O in oview(0))
O.loc = usr
works for me
although it doesnt call Get()
it works as Get() might as in getting an item in oview(0)
In response to Air _King
Air _King wrote:
Nadrew wrote:
This should be noted I don't use macros much so you should look at this post by Spuzzum he gives something about macros there.

I know how to do it with letters, but not with numbers Gughunter should know its in his game.

I know he uses Center because when I pushed center it returned open door
In response to DoOmBringer
DoOmBringer wrote:
I belive an easier way to do this would be

for(var/obj/O in oview(0))
O.loc = usr
works for me
although it doesnt call Get()
it works as Get() might as in getting an item in oview(0)

I see what you mean but I want to use it for other things too!!!
In response to Air _King
I belive an easier way to do this would be

for(var/obj/O in oview(0))
O.loc = usr
works for me
although it doesnt call Get()
it works as Get() might as in getting an item in oview(0)
In response to Air _King
Insert return "Attack"

This works if its in a script file
o yea and most keys require alt key held down or have turned on by clicking alt in the bottom left corner

are all ones i know that dont require alt

Escape is used in macros as Escape
Spacebar is Space
Insert is Insert
Tab is Tab

All Case Sensitive
In response to DoOmBringer
DoOmBringer wrote:
are all ones i know that dont require alt

The function keys and all the keys on the numeric keypad (with numlock off) will also work without alt pressed.
In response to Shadowdarke
And for something to make sure that the alt button is pressed apon login everytime


Simple isn't it?
Numpad5 return "open"

try that it may work didnt test it
my bad try this it isnrt tested but i believe it should work

Numpad5 return "open"
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