Hello its me Green Lime again and I am trying a writing book code. Well this is my problem, I have a var msg1 in my obj/book. And I used the write code
input("Write to page [src.current_page].","[src.current_page]",src:msg[src.current _page]) as message.

Now the current_page = 1 and I have it as src:msg[src.current_page] but it brings up this. var

I was woundering why it cant identify src:msg[src.current_page] as being msg1 isnt that what it would be or does the default just unable to do so.

Green Lime wrote:
Hello its me Green Lime again and I am trying a writing book code. Well this is my problem, I have a var msg1 in my obj/book. And I used the write code
input("Write to page [src.current_page].","[src.current_page]",src:msg[src.current _page]) as message.

Now the current_page = 1 and I have it as src:msg[src.current_page] but it brings up this. var

I was woundering why it cant identify src:msg[src.current_page] as being msg1 isnt that what it would be or does the default just unable to do so.


Ok I think I just fixed it by taking off the src:.
I dont know how I could have been so stupid.
I have a new problem thow.
First off its not reading the browse() proc and I dont know why. statement has no effect :warning: unused label

Second off at the end I tryed [msg[src:current_page]] but it brung up and error so I left it like it is bellow.
Will that still be a var msg1 or will it just say "msg1"
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" height="5%" valign="top">

<tr >
<td width="90%"><h2>[src:title]</h2></td>
<td width="10%"><font size="2">signed by: [src:author]</font></td>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" height="25" bgcolor="#c0c0c0" valign="top">

[src:lower2] | [src:lower1] |
[src:current_page] | [src:higher1] | [src:higher2]
<center>Write | Title | Sign
| Finish</center></td>
In response to Green Lime
man I am soo stupid!!
Just realised all I had to do is add a usr << to the front of browse() proc. hmm Sorry for those stupid questions and posting these things on the forum.

I do got a good question this time thow!
Its about the usr[src.current_page]. it just outputed a msg1 like I thought it would so can any one help me on this. I tryed [msg[src.current_page] but it just said msg is not a defined var. So how would I do this?

Please answer
In response to Green Lime
What are you trying to do.
In response to Super16
Super16 wrote:
What are you trying to do.

I am trying to make a book.
Like a have vars that hold the text someone writes into as msg1

And I wanted to write text using msg[current_page]. Cause current_page will contain the page number They want to write in. This current_page is changed by higher,or lowers links when clicked they either add or subtract from the current_page. causeing the page to change and you being able to write in a new msg#.

can U help?
In response to Green Lime
Try something like this.

set src in usr.contents
switch(input("Book") in list ("Write","Read"))
var/T=input("Write") as text
usr<<"The Book says: <br>[read]"
In response to Super16
Super16 wrote:
Try something like this.
> obj/book/var/page
> obj/book
> verb
> Book()
> set src in usr.contents
> switch(input("Book") in list ("Write","Read"))
> if("Write")
> var/T=input("Write") as text
> page=T
> if("Read")
> usr<<"The Book says: <br>[read]"

I have all ready done that before I want to do it in HTML like foomers.
In response to Green Lime
You want it to browse it?
In response to Super16