
set category = ("Majin Skills")
switch(input("What icon do you want?",text) in list("SSJGoku","SSJ2Goku","SSJ3Goku","Goku","SSJTrunks","SSJ 2Trunks","SSJ3Trunks","Trunks","Namek","IcerForm1","IcerForm 2","IcerForm3","IcerForm4","Gogeta","Vegeta","Bio1","Bio2"," Bio3","SSJChaos","Ghetti","SSJRadditzsIcon"))

the set category ins't working i tried Majin and Majin Skills but keeps saying it is wrong please hlep me
Take off the parentheses around "Majin Skills"

set category = "Majin Skills"

Like that...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
don't forget it's the first thing you put in the tree... well right after name of the verb