Could someone explain to me what "nan" is?
Could someone explain to me what "nan" is?

We're going to need some context to help you figure this out :P.
How about "Not a Number"?
In response to Theodis
Well, how does BYOND view it? Hmmm. If I wanted to check if a number was nan, how would I go about it?
In response to SSJ Radditz
You see if it isnum()
In response to Artekia
I don't quite think that is what he was looking for, Artekia....
In response to GokuDBZ3128
I don't think really specified what exactly he was looking for. :P
In response to Foomer
I did, actually, just not to the extent that I needed, which was my fault. I better explained what I was looking for in an earlier post. In a nut shell, I'm wondering how BYOND views nan, and how I'd go about checking if a value is nan.
In response to GokuDBZ3128


Source: The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © 1993-2004 Denis Howe

Is that not what he wanted?