I find the bump attack to be pretty useful. And it seems accurate to real life. If your running around and bump into a normally non-hostile monster, that monster is going to get pissed off and start attacking you. Of course, you can always turn PK Off. That way you don't start killing people by running around.

What do you guys think?

Also, I have an icon that only has one direction. It'd be more frustrating for the player if it were a get_dir() attack verb. And oview(1) attack verb is waaaay out.
Why not make bumping to initiate attacks toggleable?

And for the love of noodles, don't make players repeatedly hit attack/bump/whatever if it has to be done over and over. Just automate it, having the player automatically swing/fire periodically if the target is in range.
bumping to initiate melee combat would be good.

What I find even better is clicking, because that way the player wouldn't accidentally get into a fight because he held the up button when he lagged.

However, a problem is macro's. If you use the Click(), there's bound to be some smart ass who macro's it to automatically attack a creature of some type. To avoid this, use some of the mouse procs. Specifically MouseUp() or MouseDown()

AND like Jmurph said, automate the attacks. If a player didn't input any commands, just make it repeat what the player input last. BUT what if the player didn't input a combat command since he/she logged in? That's your problem. =)
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
It'd default to a physical attack, or an attack of their choosing.
If you're going to use a bump-attack at least have the player like bounce off or something. This would stop them from just holding the direction and spamming attacks.
In response to Jmurph
Amen to that. BYOND is an excellent system, but it's much more well-suited to more round-based combat systems than action based. Consider those with modem connections. When reaction time becomes a factor, anyone with a low-end connection is going to suffer. If it's an action game you're making, by all means. Another possibility is to limit the number of actions that can be performed within a given amount of time, through some kind of "action points". So attacking will take away so many action points, depending on the speed of the attack. More action points could be distributed based on the "speed" of the creature. Just some suggestions.
In response to The Naked Ninja
It's a fair assumption that there would be a combat delay of some kind.