Okay I am trying to make it so that people can't type more than a certain amount of characters.

Could you modify my code and put in a sample code so people cant type more than 100 characters.

Say(msg as text)
set desc = "Talk to all players in view"
set category = "Communication"
view() << "[usr] says: [msg]"

Okay, your indentation on that is bad, anyway. You're either looking for length() or copytext(). Depends on which you want.

length() will allow you to not let them say it at all

copytext() will allow you to cut the message off at a certain amount of characters

Look them up in the Reference to see how you'd use them.

In response to Vortezz
length() will allow you to not let them say it at all

Alternately, you can use lentext(), which (I think) is faster since it was designed exclusively for text. length() has additional steps that check between formats of what is given.