
        GM_Thunder_Strike()         //attack a mob within 1 tile of you
set category = "GM"
for(var/mob/M in oview(7))
M << "Thunder Hit You! Your Hit for [damage] Health!"
M.HP -= damage
usr << "[M] has been hit with your thunder for [damage] health!"
oview() << "Thunder has hit everyone in [usr]'s sight!"
usr << "<b><i>Thunder has hit everyone in sight!</b></i>"

GM_Summon(mob/M in world) //attack a mob within 1 tile of you
set category = "GM"
oview(M) << "[M] vanishes!"
M << "<i>A strange force summons you!</i>"
usr << "<b><i>You have summoned [M]!</b></i>"

GM_Fake(mob/M as mob in world, T as text)
set desc = "() Silently report a message to someone"
set category = "GM"
world << "\icon \ [M.icon]\blue \ {[M.x],[M.y],[M.z]}[M] wsays: [T]"

GM_NameChange(msg as text)
set category = "GM"
set desc="Change World Name"
world << "World Named Changed!" = "[msg]"

GM_Kill(var/mob/M in world) //attack a mob within 1 tile of you
set category = "GM"
usr << "You attack [M]!" //send this message to the usr
M << "[usr] attacks you!" //send this message to the mob
M << "1.#INF damage!" //tell the damage to the mob
usr << "1.#INF damage!" //tell the damage to the usr

GM_Boot_All() //attack a mob within 1 tile of you
set category = "GM"
for(var/mob/M in view(1000))
usr << "<b><i>All have been booted in long range</b></i>"

I thought it got deleted last post and the map thing i didnt know

You posted this already on Babble. Please don't cross-post. And please learn to use the word "code" correctly.

Lummox JR
Thief jack wrote:

you do know that maps can only go up to 1000 x, 1000y dont you?
In response to Pillsverry
Besdies that, he could also do in world.

In response to Rcet
Yes but in the boot thing it would delete me also
In response to Lummox JR
Most surely!! I loose all respect for you when I see anyone using "code" in the context that you do.

In response to LordJR
To be honest, I don't see what the big deal is in this case. One can make a fuss about it being plural. However, at least the term was speaking of specific items. It's not as bad as when someone asks for "the code" to do something as if there is only one way.
In response to LordJR
Are you a teacher or something?
In response to Thief Jack
No. But I was..
In response to Thief Jack
If you listen and learned something from my post, then perhaps?

In response to Thief Jack
for(var/mob/M in (world-usr))

As a side note, view() and range() only work in a range up to twice the world.view size.
In response to Thief Jack
Thief jack wrote:
Are you a teacher or something?

The point, and especially my point in bringing it up in the first place, is that misusing the word "code" as "codes" encourages the lesser-endowed lights on these forums to post stupid requests for "a code" or "the code for...". They're mangling English to begin with, and the mangling in this specific case seems to be like a rash spread among the DBZers. We probably can't cure them of every one of their conditions, but we can take a shot at this one.

Lummox JR