how do i make gm verbs??????
Just make some code to check a persons key and if it matches what you have listed, then + (add) the verbs.
create some procs that are designed like verbs to do what you want, for example a Boot proc:

<code>mob/GM/proc/Boot(mob/M as mob in world) if(M == usr) return del(M)</code>

Then at login, check to see if your key is equal to a certain key (or if it is found in a GM list, which is a savable alternative), and if it is, add the proc to the player's verbs.

<code>mob/Login() ..() if(key == "Magnus IV") verbs += /mob/GM/proc/Boot</code>


<code>var/list/GMs = list("Magnus IV","Foomer") mob/Login() ..() if(GMs.Find(key)) verbs += /mob/GM/proc/Boot</code>
In response to Foomer
well... it sez i have inconsistent indentation... no wwut?
In response to Magnus VI
OMG you should REALLY learn how to code!
In response to JordanUl
yeah but how do i make / code the verbs??
i want a boot, erase, and maybe build...
In response to Magnus VI
In response to Magnus VI
look if you learn how to code first before you come exspecting code than maybie you wont sound like a tolat n00b(a turn rarly used around here but thats what you sound like.) Soo check out the tutorials, then demos, and if you think your ready for some hevie stuff go to libraries and try to learn how to make more advanced stuff.
In response to Scoobert
i can tuse the tutorials cuz they dont werk
In response to Magnus VI
U control does, and what do you exspect to do?Down load them and they instanly work?
In response to Scoobert
ok instant indentinition (wHATEVER)
MEANS that u put too many tabs or not enaugh tabs on the code error to see it DOUBLE CLICK ON IT then erase tabs OR add tabs and compile
In response to Magnus VI
What doesn't work?
In response to Scoobert
I don't think you download tutorials, and U_control isn't a tutorial anyway.
In response to Scoobert
I don't think you download tutorials, and U_control isn't a tutorial anyway.
In response to Magnus VI
If you want GM verbs for what you want, you have three options.

1) You can search through the libraries to see if anyone has created a set of GM verbs already. If not, you're out of luck. However, I'm pretty sure s_admin exists, and U_control probably handles GM verbs too.

2) You can dish out some money and offer to pay someone in Classified ads who might be willing to write them for you.

3) Take the time to get familiar with DM, then you'll be able to do them all by yourself.

Asking for people to make code for you, unless you're offering them something in return (money, special game privilages, etc.) is a big no no. Although, you're free to attempt to make your own and ask for help wherever you're having trouble.