how do i make it so you keep gaining powerlevels when you are on a turf. so like every 5 seconds you gain 5 powerlevel.
var/mob/M = O
while(M.loc == src) //repeat until the mob isn't standing here any more
In response to Shadowdarke
no how do i do that for the gravity machine
icon = 'gravity.dmi'
density = 1
set src in oview(1)
var/amount = input("What Gravity?","Gravity") as num
if(amount == 1)
usr << "1 times gravity won't do anything"
if(amount == 2)
usr << "You are to weak"
if(amount == 3)
usr << "uhhh.... ok"
if(amount == 4)
usr << "ok"
if(amount == 5)
usr << "Good"
so if they are in 2 times gravity they gain 5 powerlevel.
if they are in 3 times gravity they gain 10 powerlevel
In response to Knuckles skater
It works the same whether you call it a munchkin maker, gravity machine, or discombobulator. If you examine the snippet I gave you and figure out what it's doing and how, you'll be able to adapt it to suit your purposes.
In response to Shadowdarke
can you show me. I will give you 1 dime.
In response to Knuckles skater
That is so sad..
In response to Nadrew
Fine then no dimes for you.
In response to Knuckles skater
come on just tell me please. i need to have this code.
In response to Knuckles skater
If you had actually paid attention in 3rd grade math, you might have some idea of how to make that snippet work.
In response to WizDragon
tell me how and i can do it. First of i don't know alot about actual code i just type and get it right.(didn't mean to rhyme)