set category = "GM"
var/T = input("What message?", "What message?")
var/Mobs = (mob/M in world)
Mobs << "[T]"

How can I fix this?
for(var/mob/dbzer/M in world)
usr << "[M] is an ssj man"
In response to Sariat
But I don't want it that way because im using that already
In response to Thief Jack
Oohhh! I see

mob/verb/telldbzersthattheyarecool(T as text)
for(var/mob/dbzer/t in world)
t << "[usr] shouts ssj style [T]"

somethign like that
In response to Sariat
ugh no I don't want it text and I tried it, It doesn't work!

        Warp(T as mob/M in world)
set category = "GM"
for(var/mob/M in oview(1))
usr.x = T.x
usr.y = T.y-1
usr.z = T.z
M.x = T.x
M.y = T.y-1
M.z = T.z
var/T = input("What message?", "What message?") as text
In response to Kevin Kitsune
I didn't ask for that part Kevin. o.0
In response to Thief Jack
Try this then....

set category = "GM"
var/T = input("What message?", "What message?") as text
for (mob/M in world)
M << "[T]"
In response to Kevin Kitsune
Gah read the previous posts! Sorry but it's annoying when people don't read all the posts. What I want is 2 mob/M in world s
Would you explain this thorough please because from what you shown I can't really tell what you are trying to do?
In response to Thief Jack
I read all the previous posts... unless it's a previous topic and you havn't said that....

all you've given me is the code and, 'how do I make this work' I can't help you if I don't know what you want....
In response to Super16
Ok well. I want to use two mob/M in world codes in 1 piece of coding but it does not let me.
In response to Thief Jack
Let's try this, what is the end result of the command supposed be. Or in otherwords. What does that command do?
In response to Kevin Kitsune
The final result should send the usr and people in next to him to a mob in the world that the usr has selected.
In response to Thief Jack
You mean move the usr and surrounding players to the mob? If so, what's the Message have to do with it?

Or are you sending the message to a selected mob, but if that's the case, what do the surrounding mobs have to do with it?
In response to Thief Jack
Try something like this.

mob/verb/Leave(mob/M as mob in world)
for(var/mob/O as mob in oview(1))
In response to Super16
It works but it doesnt always.
Seeing as you have been a little punk about this DEMANDING code this should shut your face:

mob/verb/teleporttoadamndbzer(mob/M in world)
usr.loc = M.loc


PS. this may be the last time I help you.
In response to Sariat
And seeing as you didn't help me :P it doesn't matter.
In response to Thief Jack
What do you mean it sometimes works. Code can't just decide to work and not.
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