How can I create a verb like that?
Thief jack wrote:
How can I create a verb like that?

Be more descriptive. The more detailed you are, the better we can help you.

I don't know why I should help you, after leavin' FLPD and all, But I suppose I can help you......Expect me to laugh at you for not knowing this.. =P
CookiePower = 5
if(usr.CookiePower <= 0)//If the Cookie Power is at Zero or Below..
usr<<"Not 'nuff Cookie Power!"
usr.CookiePower -= 1
world<<"[usr] likes Ike!"

There ya go!
In response to FireEmblem
That's not what I meant...I meant like var/Cooking = usr.CookingSkill * 3 but I don't want it like that because it highers it rather than make it easier and lower it.
Thief jack wrote:
How can I create a verb like that?

I am not exactly sure what you want, but I am guessing it has something to do with turning a skill into a percentage. Try something like this:

return round((skill/max)*100)

var/list/things2cook = list(
"cookie"=2, // Cookie and a modifier of 2
verb/Make(c in things2cook)
var/modifier = things2cook[c]
var/newstat = cookingskill + modifier
var/quality = SkillToPercent(newstat)
if(quality <=50)
src << "Your not a good enough cook."
var/obj/o = new(usr)
src << "You make [c]" = c

I am not sure if thats what you want, but it is kinda a nifty snippet anyway.
In response to Ebonshadow
Ah perfect Ebon thanks