Trying to remove the medal from everyone that's earned it.

var/list/L =  params2list(world.GetMedal())
for(var/K in L)
world.ClearMedal("Stuck in a Loop", K)

Doesn't work, sadly. How would I go about doing this?
I cannot seem to find a method to retrieve all the people with a specific medal but you can do it the old fashion way:
#define GMSG(X) {world.log << X; world << X}
var/Erase_Medal = "Stuck in a Loop"
GMSG("Starting Erasing of the medal [Erase_Medal]")
for(var/A in params2list(world.GetScores())) // Get all players listed on the Scoreboard
GMSG("Erased [A]")

GMSG("All who earned [Erase_Medal] hopefully should be erased.")

(If you are thinking about making a feature request about retrieving a list of players who earned a specific medal, don't. It has been suggested before: DreamMakers?command=view_tracker_issue&tracker_issue=1399 - though I would love to see it like the format presented, the issue caused is understandable).
In response to GhostAnime
Thanks for the reply, but the scoreboard has been cleared already. Still looking for another way.
In response to Yuuki Kei
Look again.
He's giving you that workaround because there's no built-in way to get a list of all the players who have medals.
You could parse the hub entry or the medal management page to manually get such a list, though.
In response to Kaioken
Guess I'll just wait for when/if a proc is added or changed to do it. Not really a big deal.

Thanks anyway.
In response to Yuuki Kei
I was bored so I did the parsing on the medals page:
medal_url_page = "" // You can get the medal # by looking through the page source on the medal section
i = 1
src << "Starting erasing"
for()// Infinite loop, like while(1)
http = world.Export(medal_url_page) // Gets the HTML info
CRASH("Is your internet working?")
http = file2text(http["CONTENT"]) // Parses through the HTML of the file

if(findtext(http,"no players have earned this medal")) // If this cannot be found, that means all of the medals for that has been gone
if(!medal_name) // Making sure you want to delete the medal
var/n = findtext(http,"title=")+7
n = copytext(http,n,findtext(http,"\"",n))
if(alert(src,"Are you sure you want to delete the medal \"[n]\"?","Erase Medal: [n]","?_?","No","Yes") != "Yes")

medal_name = n
var/Xkey=findtext(http, "")
if(!Xkey) // If no more members for that page remains, we break out of the loop to get other people
var/End = findtext(http, "\"", Xkey)
Xkey = copytext(http, Xkey, End)
// src << "world.ClearMedal([medal_name],[Xkey])"
src << "Erased [Xkey] (#[i++])"
http = copytext(http, End)
src << "Ending erasing!"

This will erase all the entries for the Stuck in a Loop medal (and made it so it can easily be edited to erase other medals).

This is essentially a plug-and-play snippet, enjoy ^_^

I'm sure it could be improved but it works, or at least it does when I tried it...