Okay silly question about the "A HREF=" tag, how do I get the hyperlink to direct the user to the actual site of the URL?
<a href="">Text to show link</a>
Displayed as:
Text to show link

In the forum, just paste in the website address and it'll be linked directly without the anchor (<a>)
<br/> For more information:
In response to GhostAnime
Okay I get that part but in lets say in a game here in BYOND, when the hyperlink is posted in a browswer, it just shows the URL in the browser, it doesnt make a window pop-up to the website.
In response to Paul De La Torre
add the target attribute to the a tag like so:

<a href="" target="_blank">Name of site</a>

Resulting in:

Name of site
In response to Murrawhip
Thank you