    $page_content = "It worked.";
$page_creator = "Ryan";
$page_date = date("Y-m-d H:m:s");
$page_name = "HomePage";
$makepage = "INSERT INTO `RyeWicki` ('name','content','creator','date') VALUES ($page_name,$page_content,$page_creator,$page_date)";

There seems to be something wrong with $makepage (the query). Does anyone see anything wrong with it?

Whats it doing wrong?
In response to Smoko
Not working.

In response to Ryne Rekab
Does it give you an error, or does it just not insert what you want it to?
In response to Smoko
Just doesn't insert...

    $page_content = "It worked.";
$page_creator = "Ryan";
$page_date = date("Y-m-d H:m:s");
$makepage = "INSERT INTO `RyeWicki` ('name','content','creator','date') VALUES ($page_name,$page_content,$page_creator,$page_date)";
$R = mysql_query($makepage);
if($R) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM `RyeWicki` WHERE name=`".$page_name."`";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($row = msql_fetch_array($result)) {
$made_page = $row["creator"];
echo $made_page." made this page.";
echo "<hr>";
echo $row["content"];
else {
echo 'Error 404';

It always returns 'Error 404'. :|

In response to Ryne Rekab
$query is your problem. You're setting it to:
"INSERT INTO `RyeWicki` ('name','content','creator','date') VALUES ($page_name,$page_content,$page_creator,$page_date)"

Which (assuming that you did a $page_name = "Cool"; ) evaluates to:
"INSERT INTO `RyeWicki` ('name','content','creator','date') VALUES (Cool,It worked.,Ryan,2005-04-08 12:04:22)"

Which is clearly invalid, since your strings are not in quotes. ("Ryan" instead of Ryan). So put double or single quotes around string values!

Another suggestion: Forget date() --- the 'date' column in your table is hopefully of a DATETIME type, in which case you could simply pass NOW() as it's value. (MySQL evaluates that to the current time. (Note: Can cause weird things if your database's time != web host's time))

And finally, your echo "Error 404" is quite misleading, the page is probably returning a 200. What would be better is a echo mysql_error(), so that you can see what went wrong.

So, what you probably want is:
"INSERT INTO `RyeWicki` ('name','content','creator','date') VALUES ('$page_name','$page_content','$page_creator',NOW())"

--- depending on how you set up your table, NOW() might be '$page_date' if you didn't make that column a DATETIME.

Hope that helps!
In response to Nova2000
Thanks a lot. I will go right now and see how it works!

